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34175 Porr

Pre-camp Mtg: 12/12/2014    Camp Carl Retreat: 1/5-8/2015      Mentoring thru 4/10/2015


Instructor:    Dean A. Porr, Ph.D.        Office: BA A426

Email:                                        Phone: 330-672-1145


Book:  The Leadership Challenge, 5th ed.  By Kouzes and Posner, Jossey Bass pub, 2012.


Course Objectives: This is a leadership retreat with additional requirements before and after the retreat. Students should develop a more complete understanding of leadership as a process, a better understanding of themselves as part of that process, and experience leading others with newly learned skills.


Course Structure: This is not a traditional, classroom-based course. Students must be willing to learn in an unfamiliar setting, serve their classmates, teammates, and instructors by helping them to succeed, and work autonomously on their own self-development. Successful completion of each of the components listed below is required to pass the course


a)      Pre-camp:


1.      The Pre-camp meeting on December 12, 2014 is intended to familiarize the students with each other, the instructor, and answer questions about the camp experience. Various forms will be filled out in in preparation for camp.


2.      Numerous handouts will be distributed during the pre-camp meeting. Students will create a one inch 3-ring binder to hold these handouts and other course paperwork. Ownership should be clearly displayed. The binder must be complete in order to attend camp.


3.      The binder serves as a workbook during camp and will be reviewed periodically by the instructor. Students are to assemble it with divider tabs in the order of the table of contents and include a sufficient amount of 3-hole writing paper for journaling.


4.      On the first day of camp students will discuss the five practices of highly effective people, taken from the Kouzes and Posner book. We will talk about what the practices are, how you can engage in them, and why they matter. The questions on the handout are designed to make you think deeply about yourself and your leader-related experiences. The more thoughtful and thorough your responses are, the more you will learn from each session.


5.      Students will be given various self and colleague assessment forms. You are to fill out the self form, have three colleagues fill out the observer forms, and bring all forms with you when you attend camp.


b)      At camp


1.      Students are to arrive at Camp Carl, register, and unload their personal items into the dormitory on January 5, 2015 between 8:00 and 9:00 AM. Do not arrive before 8:00 AM, and allow enough time to be ready for camp activities that begin at 9:00 AM. You may be dropped off and picked up by another person or you may park your car for the four days. In order to retain the camp retreat atmosphere, absolutely no personal use of student vehicles will be permitted from 9:00 AM Monday morning to 9:00 PM Thursday.


2.      Camp consists of 4 days and 3 nights at a residential facility. During this time you will be exposed to many concepts related to leadership. The following are general guidelines required for successful completion of camp:


·         Residing at camp the entire time, Monday morning to Thursday evening.

·         Giving your respectful and complete attention to each speaker.

·         Actively participating in each discussion or activity.


3.      The following are prohibitive guidelines for the successful completion of camp:


·         Sitting out, hanging back, or otherwise not fully participating in any activity.

·         Using a cell phone, laptop, etc. during an activity. These devices are permitted during free time, but they will be confiscated if brought to an activity.

·         Disrespectful treatment of classmates, speakers, or camp personnel.

·         Failure to respect time constraints, curfews, etc.


4.      These rules are not negotiable and any deviation without permission from the instructor will result in failure of the course.


5.      Every session and every facilitator has a unique lesson about the leadership process. To enhance your learning, you will keep a journal of your experiences and your reflections on those experiences. Use the class notes guidelines to ensure that you have understood the information.


6.      The camp will conclude approximately 9:00 PM on Thursday January 8, 2015. Students may then drive home or have someone pick them up. Pick up vehicles are not to enter Camp Carl before 8:45 PM and the pick up drivers are to remain in their vehicles until the activities conclude. Pick up drivers are not considered Camp Carl participants and are therefore not free to roam the grounds.


c)      Post-camp


1.      Students are responsible for establishing a mentor in their home department. Ideally this will be someone who can help you reflect on your leadership studies as they apply to both your current academic situation and future plans. You will meet with your mentor three times during the semester:


·         Between January 12, 2015, and February 13, 2015.

·         Between February 16, 2015, and March 13, 2015.

·         Between March 16, 2014, and April 10, 2015.


2.      You will be provided with guidelines for each meeting, action plan sheets creating the three development goals on which you must work, and attendance forms to be signed by your mentor after each meeting. The attendance forms must be delivered to Dr. Porr’s office (or scanned and emailed) within a week after the meeting.


3.      All meetings must be scheduled by the student. You must attend each meeting according to the guidelines unless you have a legitimate excuse, cleared through Dr. Porr.


4.      Mentors will complete a feedback form that will be used to determine the points awarded in this section of the course.


5.      Your final requirement for the class is to write a paper explaining what you have learned. Guidelines will be provided. The final paper must be emailed to Dr. Porr by April 20, 2015. Grades will be reduced by 10% each day that they are late.


6.      Textbooks are provided on loan. They must be returned to the instructor by April 20, 2015. Regional campus students can use the Kent mail system. The final grade will be reduced 5% for each day the book is late.



Grading: Each section of the requirements will be assessed by the instructor.


a)      Pre-camp:

1.      Binder (10 points)

2.      Written responses to questions (10 points)

3.      Assessments (10 points)


b)      At camp

1.      Arrival, preparedness (10 points)

2.      Camp participation (10 points)

3.      Camp journal (10 points)


c)       Post-camp

1.      Mentor assessment (10 points)

2.      Final paper (30 points)


93.34 – 100%                          A                                                                     73.34 – 76.66%                       C        

90.00 – 93.33%                       A-                                                                    70.00 – 73.33%                       C-                                                                               

86.67 – 89.99%                       B+                                                       66.67 – 69.99%                       D+                                                                  

83.34 – 86.66%                       B                                                                     60.00 – 66.66%                       D                                                                                                                                            

80.00 – 83.33%                       B-                                                                    0.00 – 59.99%                         F                                                                                 


76.67 – 79.99%                       C+                                                                                                                   

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